おめでとう、らいおんbooks!Congratulations, LION BOOKS!

知り合って10年以上になるエネルギッシでキュートで個性的な女性4人組。彼女たちは、とっても仲良し。その彼女たちが、株式会社風濤社の支援で「らいおんbooks」という絵本レーベルを立ち上げた。それぞれが、それぞれのやり方で本に関わってきて、そこから、一緒にレーベルを興すなんて、なんてすばらしいんだろう。「いつか4人で出版社をやるもんね」といっていた、まさにその夢を実現させた彼女たち。話を聞いていると、熱くて、気持ちが引き締まるし、しかもあったまる。レーベル立ち上げ創刊絵本は、松田奈那子さんの『こびん』。加藤休ミさんの『ぼーるとぼくとくも』。どちらもみずみずしい作品たちだ。そして、それぞれが、新しい挑戦をしている。今日まで、曙橋駅からほどちかいゑいじうというギャラリーで、「はじめまして!らいおんbooksです!展」をやっている。そこで原画と、うまくすれば、らいおんbooksのメンバー、二人の絵本作家さんに会えるのよ。わたしもおじゃまして、がっつり楽しませていただきました。これからどんなふうになってゆくのかとっても楽しみ。わたしもお世話になりたいものです。とにかく、がんばれ らいおんbooks。

I drew this as their portrait. From left, there is T, H, K, I.(illustration)

These four woman who are full of energy have been my friends for ten years.
They are also very good friends with each other.
They established the publishing level in the publisher, Futohsha.
Each of them have been related with children's books in various ways, and finally they have begun to work together. How nice they are!
They have been always saying that "someday, we are going to establish a children's book publisher". Their dreams have come true.
When I listen their words with fascination, I start to feel warm inside.
Their first work started with two books.
"The small bottle" written by Nanako Matsuda and "The Ball and Me" by Yasumi Kato.
Both of the books are refreshing. Both artists challenge new things in their books.
They have an exhibition "Nice to meet you We are Lion Books! " at the Gallery Eijiu near Akebonobashi station tonight.
If you are lucky, you can see the staff of Lion Books and two artists, there.
I went there and had a good time.
I'm looking forward to seeing them do a very good job.
I want to make a children's book with them.
Anyway, go for it!