映画『ボヘミアン・ラプソディー』"Bohemian Rhapsody " the movie

"Bohemian Rhapsody " the movie
I checked Queen's live moving images, including " the Band Aid" on YouTube, from the morning until afternoon to liven up my sensations before watching the movie.
I watched it side by side at a cinema with my five friends from my high school days. We were all expressing various things, like "I should have gotten popcorn" or "I want to move to the aisle seat"; however, when the movie was finished, one of us sighed deeply and we all said in rapture, "It was awesome!" We felt the movie was over all too soon. We found the actors to be like real Queen members!". I have only "the night of opera" as my treasure; all the songs are masterpieces.
Actor Rami Marek starred as Freddie Mercury. He acted Freddie's genius and loneliness beautifully, imitating Freddie's performances perfectly.
The movie thoroughly shows the process of making "Bohemian Rhapsody", their biggest-selling song, and we so enjoyed observing the creativity that went into making this song.