『さざなみ軍記』井伏鱒二-----------The Rippling Waves


こんなイラストを描いた。幽霊のお話を集めた本のなかの『耳なし芳一』に出てくる平家の幽霊。大鎧を着てる。芳一の話も最高だが、平家の哀しさといったら、やっぱり井伏鱒二『さざなみ軍記』。平 知盛の15歳の息子が、帝都(京都)から西へ逃れていく行程を日記に書いたものの現代語訳、という体裁のフィクション。「その場を見てきたのか!?」みたいに鮮やかな情景描写。平家の人々のいでたちのあでやかさ、上品さ。うっとりしながら読む。ときに、残酷な描写も歯切れがよくて、感激。読み終わっちゃうのが惜しいような小説。新潮文庫にはいってます。

I drew an illustration like this. It’s the “Heike”ghost, a character of the story of “Earless Houichi”. He wears an armor. The story of Houichi is well written. But as something that describes the sorrow of the Heike family, I recommend “The War Tales of Rippling Waves”, authored by Masuji Ibuse, a Japanese novelist. This is a fictitious tale based on the diary written by the son of Tomomori Taira, fifteen years old. The style of this book is Ibuse’s modern translation. I wonder whether Ibuse really looked at the scenes. The description is very vivid. The way of the Heike being dressed up is very impressive and elegant. I was so excited while reading by the Heike family. So it was regrettable to finish reading it. It’s published by Shinchobunko.