
I drew a scene which I saw in Cambodia when I went at the end of the year as an illustration for a publisher's periodical.
It shows that boys are getting fish and snakes in the lake. After finishing the illustration, I finally found that it's an entirely summer scene! It was just two weeks ago I'd seen it, however it wouldn't be appropriate for a spring issue. Therefore I rejected it of my own accord and I sighed deeply with disappointment at the beginning of the year...
The lake water was muddy like this. The boys were getting game fish and snakes.
They were awesome!
Anyway, I'm uploading the rejected illustration, here.
Tonle Sap Lake is huge. In the rainy season, I heard that it becomes three times bigger than in the dry season.
When I visited, it was the dry season, so I didn't get rain. It was a good season to visit.